Election of Officers – April 2024
The ballot below may be completed once by each member of the club. Your email address is required for verification of your eligibility to vote, but will not be associated with your vote in the counting of results, which will be held as anonymous. Voting is now closed. Thank you for your support.
Aaron Fadden Receives Jim Jamieson “Service Above Self” Award
In honor of Jim Jamieson and his lifelong commitment to our Rotary motto “Service Above Self” we have instituted a new award honoring a member of our community who evinces the Rotary values of service by giving above and beyond to help others. Our first receipient of the award is someone we believe that Jim …
Read more “Aaron Fadden Receives Jim Jamieson “Service Above Self” Award”
Linwood Educational Trust Awarded $10,000 Donation
The Linwood Educational Trust received a donation of $10,000 as part of the Presidents’ Changeover ceremony on Thursday evening. This is part of our club’s annual commitment to support the LWET with its mission of providing scholarships to graduating seniors from our Lin-Wood High School. A number of scholarships in amounts up to $6000 were …
Read more “Linwood Educational Trust Awarded $10,000 Donation”
Celebrating our Graduates
Rotary contratulates our graduating Seniors from Lin-Wood High School who have been members of Interact and participants of RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, and those of you who have participated in our annual Speech Contest. You are all leaders and have learned and practiced the skills of Service Above Self which is the basis …
With heavy hearts we bid farewell to our dear friend, mentor, and Sargeant at Arms, Jim Jamieson. Jim was a dedicated member of our club, with perfect attendance and cheerful commitment to service. He was an inspiration to all of us. May his memory continue to inspire us all for many years to come.
Book Club Off to a Strong Start
Small but mighty, our Lincoln Woodstock Rotary Book Club met for the second time this month, having read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian”. The book raised a lively discussion among members and encouraged deeper sharing of our own stories. This is the second book the club has read, with the first …
Kanc Cleanup a Great Success!
On June 3rd, teams of Rotarians gathered at both ends of the Kancamagus Highway and formed cleanup crews strategically situated throughout the full length of the 32 mile stretch between Lincoln and Conway. Working diligently, the intrepid volunteers traversed the distance between sites gathering up discarded bottles, cans, papers and other rubbish left behind on …
Tracy Shamberger Receives John Riley Award
We are pleased to announce that the recepient of this year’s John Riley Volunteer Service award is Tracy Shamberger, CEO of The Bridge Project. Tracy has given selflessly for many years connecting people in the community with a wide range of services that she spends hours of her time tracking down and lining up to …